Aw, Gwynne, this is so nice!
Amazing job, Gwynne!
12 years ago
awesome :)
12 years ago
great job! ;) thanks for sharing!
12 years ago
melody dean
oh beautiful! :D
12 years ago
Respect!! takes me back to evenings of plexus painting <3
12 years ago
12 years ago
Okay, I give up. HOW on EARTH do you get objects to float in space like that? I am so totally jealous.
12 years ago
But in a nice way.
12 years ago
Thats amazing! Awesome!
12 years ago
Ah, well done!
12 years ago
@Axa, that art was actually done in an 'out-of-bounds' area. The out-of-bounds are the areas with art that's visible to you, but you can't normally walk there due to the platform and the level design. However many players found little bugs and glitches in the game, such as street blending or ticket racing, to bypass there borders, and get to these areas. The special perk about these out of bounds areas is that they they don't have any gravity, as we can see. Items dropped will stay where they are, and with great patience and jump skill, one could have made a piece of art like this. Much earlier this year, the word Glitch was also reproduced by items of the same color in an out of bounds area in Corridor Six. It can also be noted that with the recently released feature of cubimal battling, it was possible to leave cubimals in midair, unattended. In a normal area, and it has actually been done to create ginormous dongs and toilets, it would have been possible to jump in midair and fight a cubimal, and with a large enough supply of cubimals, to create something like this.
12 years ago
Mrs. Peacock
Yes, but this this was a regular area. You can just jump and battle a cubimal, and it will freeze midair so no one can pick it up. The only way they could disappear is if someone battled another cubi at the same spot while you were online, then it would be returned to you. This is how many Glitchen, myself included, created cubi art in the final days.
12 years ago
It actually *was* an out of bounds area, and things did float there, but I used the battling technique so people couldn't take them. :)
12 years ago
The best pic i hav ever seen in Ur :) :) Hats off !!
12 years ago
Wow.. This is awwweesomee !!
12 years ago
that is amazing
12 years ago
this is very cool
12 years ago
Little Poundcake Little Poundcake snapped this
at 11:45am on December 9, 2012
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