Surveying the aftermath. WTF happened here? We're going to need a shovel to clean this up. On second thought, it'd be easier to close the game!
I blame the dustbunny.
12 years ago
Addi Bee~?
Sooooo... my snaps from today didn't save. If you wanted to go take some awesome snaps of my house, each floor? That would be super awesome. Cause you're bored now, right?
12 years ago
Lady Snugglesworth
Looks like a good time was had by all
12 years ago
Bye i love you all :)
12 years ago
Addi Bee~?
Stand down, LP. They were just unpublished. I know you were rushing to save me. :p
12 years ago
rook knight =]
i love you glitches !
12 years ago
Gertie Mack
Keep the game open, we will help you clean up! :)
12 years ago
rook knight =]
you should still be able to access a home street pics from your profile
12 years ago
The Docta
Huh- ur lives on! :-)
12 years ago
Little Poundcake
*shoving green curry into my mouth like i haven't eaten all day* *oh lol*
12 years ago
You got to go in after the end?? Well, of course you did. Awesome! <3
12 years ago
It's always hardest to clean up after a party
12 years ago
Scarlet Begonia ?
At first, I really wished I could be in the game too... but then I realized, it wouldn't be the same without everyone else in the game!
12 years ago
Little Poundcake
Oh, yeah, now it's just depressing. I'm trying to be funny about it, but it's a total bummer. There's no Glitch without players!

So: onward! The task now is to preserve the work and the memories, some of which requires us to pop around in the game a bit, but there's really very little "play" left anymore.
12 years ago
<3 you guys!
12 years ago
thanks for putting in the time
12 years ago
THere are lovely goodbye notes in that pile on the ground.. I read some awesome notes dropped all over UR today by many different glitchen .. the good bye notes and poems were touching .. I wish I could have read more of them ...
12 years ago
Voluptua Sneezelips
We're all with you in spirit, LP! Think of it as kinda like we're radiating at you.
12 years ago
Little Poundcake
Oh, man, I had to stop reading goodbye notes about a week ago. They really made my allergies flare up. Watering eyes, runny nose, the whole bit.
12 years ago
Lady Cailia
Thanks for doing all the work, especially as painful as it probably is right now. Hugs from Michigan!
12 years ago
Kip Konner
OMG! I have the same allergies, LP! Who knew?!
12 years ago
Little Poundcake
God they are the worst right now. Like really horrible. Must be tree pollen.
12 years ago
Before you turn out the lights, pet your kitties for me.
12 years ago
Man, allergies, they really aren't fun to deal with. *sniffsniff*
12 years ago
I'LL MISS THE DUSTBUNNEH!! That dusty stick was so wonderful. . .
12 years ago
Kitsune Kyomoon
Can you please feed my piggy?
12 years ago
Melting Sky
That dusty bunny is a party animal and then some!
12 years ago
I'll miss the Heli Kitty that LP so kindly put on my street. Can someone pet it for me?
12 years ago
caley dunn
Save the notes you find. Don't read them now. Just save them. I know the helikitties will go to good homes, and my dust bunny has met a friend over the weekend... and looks like they've been busy under my sofa.
12 years ago
say goodbye to the tool vendor for me, I wasn't able to change streets anymore.
thanks for making this a once in a lifetime experience!
12 years ago
Bye, LP - thanks for making this so fun!
12 years ago
Did someone explode moving boxes in Cebarkul??
12 years ago
I was unable to get back in after reloading from a crash 20 mins before the end. I had been planning to take a full picture save of my house (inside) but did not get a chance. If you could do that for me, Little Poundcake, I would be so grateful! I would even pay actual Earth money if that wouldn't be inappropriate. I got my outer street but not my house and backyard.
12 years ago
12 years ago
12 years ago
Nelnah Fish
You aren't alone in Ur, Little Poundcake! We're all there... every one of us. We're watching you and listening to whatever you post. We just wish we could help somehow... but if we can't, we can't. I'm willing to accept that.
12 years ago
Little Poundcake Little Poundcake snapped this
at 8:32pm on December 9, 2012
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