This is how you play Glitch. Basically, you just do pointless stuff. Because … fun.
12 years ago
12 years ago
People say there isn't a right way to play in a sandbox. I say this is the kind of stuff that should happen if you are playing in the sandbox correctly =)
12 years ago
Sir Lagsalot
The euphoria of absurdity in essence.
12 years ago
Stupid yoga frogs, helping the invaders once again. I told them they should have gone with pigeons...where's Bubbly's tin foil hat?
12 years ago
We got caught, HAVING FUN!
12 years ago
Shakes fist you you Darn Pesky Hackers!!!
12 years ago
Ugh, I just want to warn you guys: some of these mischievous hackers have been caught remotely RKing innocent people!!! >:( They'll stop at nothing to have their fun!!!
12 years ago
sudv ?
So not only perverts, but hackers as well? What den of sin is this game anyways?
12 years ago
Piece of Serenity
Skywalking is the best 'hack' ever! lol
12 years ago
damn, we are soooo cool :)
12 years ago
The Battra Cult is taking over.
12 years ago
bored no more
*pout* I wanna be a Battra
12 years ago
ello guvnor
12 years ago
gilbert whisper
That sums it up... "because... fun!"
12 years ago
stoot barfield
Because … fun!
12 years ago
Because … fun! =) Thank you for letting us have so much fun.
12 years ago
bored no more
I kinda wish this hadn't been bumped. I joined in on the fun way too late (the last week or so) and miss it dearly. I has a sad again.
12 years ago
Because... fun!! Yes, indeed. It was WAY fun, and we miss it immeasurably.
12 years ago
I miss annoying the crap out of stoot! How are ya, butterfield?
12 years ago
Was very fun..
12 years ago
Elrond Hubbard
because people being silly and caring is great
12 years ago
Count Battra
definitely miss the sky walking...
12 years ago
Osiris ?
It was an honor being part of the Battra cult for a short while.
12 years ago
Misty Mountain
pointless stuff is always fun.
12 years ago
Vip Gamer20
shush flying heads
12 years ago
lol they look so silly!
Stoot, i miss Glitch a lot, & everyday i remember something i wanted to do but that i forgot to do before the closing. I wish we could be given access to Ur again, at least for one very last time. :)
12 years ago
I cried so hard when I found out Glitch was closing. Now that it is.. I'm beyond depress. Such a promising future for such an awesome game. I'll miss it. Q-Q
12 years ago