
Staff Topic

R2: Preview of even more house features

It's that's time again - Release 2 of houses is upon us!

It will take a while to roll out the changes to everyone - you can leave your house and then type "/home" to be immediately migrated

To see the new features, reload your game client and visit your house (by typing "/home" in chat). The first thing you'll see is that there are no trees or rocks outside your house any more. But worry not - you can add some yourself with "cultivation". Click on the small sign next to your house to get a menu of options. Once you've mastered cultivation, you can try expanding your street and then changing your house exterior. You can also change the style of your home street. Sick of Groddle? Move to Uralia, Firebog or even THE MOON.

That's awesome, right? Wrong! There's more awesome stuff inside. Head to your backyard to switch styles, cultivate the land or expand your yard. Want to make your house interior bigger? Ok! When in decoration mode, click the buttons in the top bar to extend your house or add new floors.

There are a lot of moving parts in this release - we want to hear about bugs, what you like, what you don't like, areas we should expand on or improve and what you think we need to add. Go forth and test!

Questions? Please be sure to read this notes:

Note 1: All upgrades and expansions are free at the moment. This is only a test. There will be a housing reset before it is fully launched.

Note 2: If you missed preview release 1, read about it first!

Note 3: You can't move or delete gardens, rocks, etc., after placing them in cultivation mode. But, you will be able to do in the future.

Note 4: Are you missing some items? No, you are not. They are still there. In some cases, if things were placed near the edge of your yard or home street, you might have to expand a few times to reveal them.

Note 5: We are still testing and this is not the final release. There is more to come.

Note 6: Expansions to your land (yard or home street) happen one at a time. This may seem annoying/cumbersome/slow, but: you are testing as a higher level player when it is all free. If you were earning your way to a larger space over time, it would not seem thus because you wouldn't be doing them all at once.

Note 7: Can't find the upgrade (home-shaped) sign in by the back and front doors of your house. You probably have stuff on top of it. Pick that stuff up :)

Posted 12 years ago by Bees! Subscriber! | Permalink


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  • Not missing any items currently, no - I expanded the yards several times and found them... just wondering about after the test when our houses/yards will presumably shrink again?
    Posted 12 years ago by bergamot Subscriber! | Permalink
  • The gas plant in my front yard just reached -1% lifespan. Is the resources dying not part of this test or is this a bug?

    Also, the Lost Wood style should make everything in the foreground black and white, because the colorful Glitches and items makes the combination very jarring. And without the ability to add platforms to your street (is this going to be a future feature?) or lowered gravity Toxic Moon is kind of sparse compared to the other styles.

    And one more thing - when adding a new floor, can the junk from the attic be moved up to the second floor attic instead of the new level's floor, so I don't have to keep cleaning that stuff up? (Hopefully cabinets will arrive soon)
    Posted 12 years ago by Boom and Bust Subscriber! | Permalink
  • "Moon is kind of sparse" . . . didn't Neil Armstrong voice some similar complaint . . .?
    Posted 12 years ago by bhikku Subscriber! | Permalink
  • "One small step for man, one giant step for... Jesus Christ this place is boring. Can we all go back to Earth now?"
    Posted 12 years ago by Boom and Bust Subscriber! | Permalink
  • In regards to compensation for our old houses, will the compensation just be in currants or imagination?  Also will the compensation at the switch be for 100% of the value of the particular house or the same as it is now and 80%?  If it is the same, would it matter if we sell our houses before the switch?  

    I would just like to take advantage of being able to store stuff in the new house and have it moving-boxed-up during the switch, rather than fiddle-arsing around at three homes over the next week or so.:) 
    Posted 12 years ago by Oristia Subscriber! | Permalink
  • We will be able to place decorations in our buyed houses (Modern,Cave,Apartament Houses) like we can in our test houses?
    Posted 12 years ago by Xeloalex Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Practically perfect! Although, can we have the ability to change the upgrade design of an already filled, and upgraded SDB, to allow for decor changes?
    Posted 12 years ago by Vogon Blarg Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Possible bug: Regardless of how far left I place my piggy stick, my piggies won't walk into the leftmost 3 or 4 expanded sections of my backyard.
    Posted 12 years ago by Rowan Croft Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Xeloalex  - incredibly unlikely, those houses will go once the new houses are properly launched (or amybe before, don't think we know precisely when that will happen yet?)
    Posted 12 years ago by shhexy corin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • So fun! I love all the different backgrounds and house choices!

    I'm pretty sure this was talked about earlier in the thread, if so, just count this as another vote.
    I would really like to have the inside of the house have the same characteristics as the outside. For example, I love how my old bog house has curved walls and ladders and lots of little rooms. Our test houses just seem so linear.

    I also vote that windows for the interior become a decoration option.

    Overall, it's very cool! So fun to customize! Love this game, its players, and its devs!
    Posted 12 years ago by Nyssa Tegan Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Love the update, and look forward to the future options, since it sounds like more is coming.

    I did notice that different background on the front offer different areas for cultivation item placement (I initially thought it was because I hadn't expanded my street much).  Would prefer them to offer the same areas.  One didn't allow for placement of a patch between the street sign and the house, another did. It was a difference between two of the meadow/tree like ones.  Sorry, have to run to work, else I'd be more specific (I think it was the meadow one and the green one though)...there was also a difference between the two as to how close to the house on the right that you could start placement of the cultivation items.

    Thanks for the fun upgrade...will keep working on finding new items to report...everyone's been rather thorough thus far...
    Posted 12 years ago by Pink Flamingo Subscriber! | Permalink
  • The avatar shown when you walk past someone's door could indicate online status. (green outline: online; red outline: offline)
    Posted 12 years ago by San Serif Subscriber! | Permalink
  • hi first off well done on a brilliant preview of what the new house is going to look like, but one thing is niggling me at the moment. When this house becomes real, will the stuff that we have in our old house i.e herb garden, jellisacs etc be free to us in this new house or will we have to pay for them? Thanks
    Posted 12 years ago by ??ook? Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I wish the plots hadn't shrunk. With the new size, my big head hides at least one, and once I have piggies standing in front while I'm planting waiting to be petted it's gonna be worse.
    Posted 12 years ago by Incarnadine Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Multislot cabinets still to come? Can't move in until those are available ...

    Also -- I wish I could come close to duplicating the front/back yards I now have (Rasana, the expensive ones). The art is considerably more sophisticated than in the current selections for the new houses ... that "view" drove the selection of that house for me.
    Posted 12 years ago by Spockian Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Cabinets!  Please.  Soon?
    Posted 12 years ago by WindBorn Subscriber! | Permalink

    I really expected herb and garden plots in my yard to be usable by passers-by.
    Posted 12 years ago by WindBorn Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thanks for all the upgrades.  This is going to be fun playing with all the options.  

    Since I have the space ship house, for the elevator door, could we get a sound that is like the Star Trek door whoosh instead of the regular door opening and closing?  That would be uber awesome. (Would be even cooler if we could get the same door sound for the front door too once we're able to change that to match the interior.)

    Okay, off to play now...

    ETA: Thanks for adding a starry sky ceiling!  And the labels over the swatches.  Have to agree the plots for crops and herbs are awfully small...would like to see them bigger even if it will cost me more in space.  
    Posted 12 years ago by BCWillie Subscriber! | Permalink
  • How come the moon has it's own moon?
    Posted 12 years ago by Electric Wizard Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Bergamot, they're planning on boxing up all our items when they reset housing, so there shouldn't be any things on the ground, disappearing off the edge or no.
    Posted 12 years ago by Fnibbit Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I need a START OVER button.  LOL
    Posted 12 years ago by Gadzooks Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I don't know if somebody already suggested it but can we have the option to drag more the
    an one item at once in Decoration Mode?

    I often have various items that "belong" together (like a table with chairs) and it would be nice to move them all at once especially since the house is always expanded on the right side and I want to move a whole "room"-collection of items :)
    Posted 12 years ago by Calathiel Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Problem (may not be bug): after adding a floor (with the resulting making small of the attic space), camera mode will no longer let me see all (vertically) of the attic. I still can put things there, but now it is unreasonably difficult to see what is there.
    Posted 12 years ago by Spockian Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I love all of it. Is it possible to get an undo last action for swatches. I have frustration with accidently covering something I had liked when I do a different part of the wall. Love it! Everything is awesome and seems to work good... I would like to see more purple options. Wallpaper,flooring... Love it need a black or dark purple floor.
    Posted 12 years ago by Thursday Soleil Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Cannot cram enough LOBE into one post!!! But, can I say how awesome the firefly hive is???
    Posted 12 years ago by Dahlia DreadNaught Subscriber! | Permalink
  • First of all, I love all of this. I can't wait until I'm crafting all this furniture. I'm going to have some much to do (and probably going to need to upgrade my subscription, too)!

    Two thoughts:

    - My firefly hive, while awesome, refills practically instantaneously. I think it might be a tad too generous, compared to the way fireflies behave in their native bog habitats. Ditto other resources like my Sparkly rock. Since these are my personal resources, I kind of expected a slower refresh rate than the wild ones. Yes, I think I am actually asking you to nerf my resources. :) But, I want to have a reason to venture outside of my house. I see yard resources as merely a "bonus" of sorts.

    - Will we be able to cultivate/add mailboxes to our home streets? I don't get a lot of mail, but I do occasionally use it and it was convenient to have a mailbox on my quarter street.

    But, I love it!
    Posted 12 years ago by Merrylegs Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm doing the same with switching to Lost Woods and then to the background of my choice, Aleph Zero! All for the awesomeness of that music. :)
    Posted 12 years ago by Little Miss Giggles Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Not sure if the same feedback and issues have been posted about yet and I'm not reading 11 pages of comments to find out so here is my observations/frustrations with the new expansion sorry if I'm just repeating others.

    1. I love that we have the option of several floors since this makes the house easier to separate into sections since there isn't the option to make rooms rather than one giant room. Not sure if this will change but it's not a big deal to make the illusion of rooms with wallpaper so even if it says a huge room its a WIN!

    2. Love having the option of both types of garden as well as being able to have all the resources in my yard though this may make me into a hermit that NEVER leaves my home street so this may backfire for you in the long run. 

    3.Love ,and I can't even tell you how much but it's a lot, the new backgrounds and house customization so that you can change the way your yard and street look. That is just so cool I can't stop playing with it.

    Hates/possible bugs:
    1. On the second floor of the house if you place things too low on the wall they "fall" through the floor into the first floor. While testing I can't see this being a big issue but later when we are trying to put things farther forward than other items and organize things for keeps I can see this being really annoying while right now it's just a slight annoyance.  

    2. You have to place the "freebie" Item out in decorate mode before it lets you upgrade the item where with the first release we were able to upgrade it then place it into our home. Again not sure this will be a big deal after reset since I don't know if you will be setting us up with basic items again or if we need to make those too. But it's a bit annoying that I have to take the item out then upgrade it (especially with the things changing size) in the actual house rather than upgrading it in the inventory and being able to place it and know if it fits or not where you want it right away. I have been spending a lot of time arranging and rearranging things where if it was the correct size I wouldn't have to move things so many times to make sure they fit.

    That's all so far but I guess it's a lot since I seem to be long winded today ;D All in all the pros far outweigh the cons.
    Posted 12 years ago by Eshkol Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Would you consider allowing access to the back yard from the second floor? 
    Posted 12 years ago by Sirentist Subscriber! | Permalink
  • So if the street/yard backgrounds are going to eventually be bought with imagination, will you be able to accumulate a collection of backgrounds after purchase like with the wall swatches or will they have to be individually re-imagined at cost?
    Posted 12 years ago by MarbhDamhsa Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Oh Tiny Speck, I love you.  The houses are so sweet and whimsical and I love all the new decoration items, too.

    I only have two real requests:  The ability to move cultivation items a little closer together, and the ability to hang icons on a wall.  (And actually, icons sit really oddly on shelves at the moment, which should probably be addressed at some point regardless.)   Otherwise, it's so awesome!
    Posted 12 years ago by Wintera Woodswitch Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Pros:  love the added customization to the game. I love the new housing options and the different parts that are customizable. Love the new resources the can be added to the yards. This is terrific.
    Cons: The new houses look like dressed up boxes. The large modern home had large windows, columns as well as the raw rock face which were so cool. It is too bad that the details that were in previous homes that really added to the ambiance of the home are now unavailable. Perhaps when we choose the outside of the house it could give us a "frame work" (ie windows and structural details) for the inside that we can decorate around. 

    I am not fond of the spacing between resources. Everything seems very spaced out. In our previous homes the elements looked like they belonged there. In the new homes they look cut and pasted because the spacing is so uniform and spread out.

    Thanks for allowing the opportunity to give our feedback. Glitch is a neat game and visual very appealing. Quite enjoy it.
    Posted 12 years ago by Rikki Booben Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I agree with Wintera and Rikki Booben, I would like to be able to space the resources closer together.
    Posted 12 years ago by Lettuce Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Lettuce, Rikki Booben, Wintera- from our note in the top post-

    You can't move or delete gardens, rocks, etc., after placing them in cultivation mode. But, you will be able to do in the future.

    So, in The Future, you will. :)

    Eshkol- about stuff falling from the second floor and down- was this a furniture item, and if so, specifically what kind?
    Posted 12 years ago by kevbob Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I agree 1000% with Rikki - this is an overall step backwards for home aesthetics.  No amount of sloth beds or chintz chairs will make up for the awesomeness that is my 50K Salatu mansion.  Bees - go find the designer of said mansion and tell them I said so!
    Posted 12 years ago by WalruZ Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I, also, would like a bit more leeway on placement of items.

    OK, I haven't had as much time as I'd like to work with the new options, but have found a couple of things:

    First, when there is more than one thing to interact with in front of your door (say, a piggy is standing there), the game will ask you which item you want to choose, as always, but the door option is invisible.

    Second, trying to drag something from downstairs to upstairs doesn't work very well - the scene won't scroll, so I had to be very careful with the positioning of the view so that I could move things properly.  If I'd thought to zoom out, it would have worked a bit better, but still worth mentioning, I think.

    Lastly is a glitch that I love!  I want to be able to do it on purpose!  I accidentally started dragging the door (for the stairs) and immediately stopped, and I didn't know where the door had gone!  After a while, I realized that it was now a cubbyhole behind my couch!
    Genkimama's Cubbyhole

    I'd like to be able to do this on purpose once the housing reset goes into effect. :D
    Posted 12 years ago by Genkicoll Subscriber! | Permalink
  • In the wall/floor/ceiling swatch panel, I seem to have two "Grey Stucco Ceiling" options. One is sort of a light beige color and the other is, well, grey. But they're named the same thing. I think they're both free options, as well.
    Posted 12 years ago by Agoraphobe Subscriber! | Permalink
  • "If our houses are reset to 'unexpanded' later on, what will happen to the stuff that we've placed at the edges of our huge yards as we'll only be able to expand slowly?" - we'll fix that bug by then! but also, we wont be resizing your street without moving items into a moving box, like we just did :)

    "The gas plant in my front yard just reached -1% lifespan" - bug!

    "Regardless of how far left I place my piggy stick, my piggies won't walk into the leftmost 3 or 4 expanded sections of my backyard." - a known bug

    "Will we be able to cultivate/add mailboxes to our home streets?" - we have a solution coming up for that

    "So if the street/yard backgrounds are going to eventually be bought with imagination, will you be able to accumulate a collection of backgrounds after purchase like with the wall swatches or will they have to be individually re-imagined at cost?" - we're currently planning a cost to switch every time, although this cost is very low

    "After a while, I realized that it was now a cubbyhole behind my couch!" - we've no plans to stop this from happening ;)
    Posted 12 years ago by Bees! Subscriber! | Permalink
  • "I seem to have two "Grey Stucco Ceiling" options" - weird, i'll check into that
    Posted 12 years ago by Bees! Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Been playing with all the new things and am just blown away by the giant imagination.  There's going to be so much more to share on the street with other glitches and within the house itself I can change it to suit my mood.  Thanks to all the hard working folk on the other side of the screen!
    Posted 12 years ago by FlatEarther Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @WalruZ: You are so grumpy!
    Grump grump grump.
    I love all this new stuff.
    Posted 12 years ago by CrashTestPilot Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Just a small bug, and I apologize if this has been mentioned: I moved my pig stick and butterfly stick to new places in my expanded backyard, but my pigs and butterflies are stubbornly not moving.
    Posted 12 years ago by Pii Subscriber! | Permalink
  • kevbob - I had the problem of things falling from the top floor to the bottom as well.  It happened in decorate mode, with a bunch of different items - ceiling lamps, bed, chairs, etc.  It looked like I was placing them on the top floor, but they would "land" on the bottom floor.  This was a real pain in the kiester, since I then had to go to the bottom floor, put the item in my inventory (since I can't scroll to the top floor while holding something) and then go back up.  I found I could only be sure of placing an item on the top floor if I could see the ghost image there.
    Posted 12 years ago by Shallawalla Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Also, there are no signs to differentiate crop from herb plots (in, say, my friend's backyard). Are these little signs coming back?

    And finally, I am crossing my fingers for a Stora Rede-type background. That's my favorite vista in all of Ur!
    Posted 12 years ago by Pii Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Pii - the animals are flat-earthers and are deathly afraid of getting too near the edges of the property in case they fall off. If you place your stick too close to the edges then they won't go all the way to the stick.
    Posted 12 years ago by Snazzlefrazz Subscriber! | Permalink
  • In the future, will we have the ability to "flip" the outside elements like we do the decorations?  For example, I would like to have my jellisac wall face the other way.  Also, I see that we will be able to delete those elements, will we also be able to move them?  Or once placed are they then locked until either depleted or deleted?
    Posted 12 years ago by Shallawalla Subscriber! | Permalink
  • One the bottom floor I can place items on top of SDBs and they will sit there perfectly.

    One the 2nd floor items placed on top of SDBs fall to the floor.
    Posted 12 years ago by The Cat Face Subscriber! | Permalink
  • "Also, there are no signs to differentiate crop from herb plots (in, say, my friend's backyard)." - they looking different now (check out the frames).

    "In the future, will we have the ability to "flip" the outside elements like we do the decorations?  For example, I would like to have my jellisac wall face the other way." - that'd be cool
    Posted 12 years ago by Bees! Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Yes, Shallawalla, we'll be able to move them. First we'll get the ability to delete them, and then the ability to move them (or maybe it's the other way around). Note 3 in the OP edit states so. :)
    Posted 12 years ago by Little Miss Giggles Subscriber! | Permalink
  • The things falling through the floor in decorate mode feature is caused by trying to place things too close to the front of the floor. It's visually deceptive because the game has to leave quite a lot of the floor at the front clear for your Glitch to walk along - but you look at all this empty space and think "I want to put a chair here". The best way to avoid falling foul of this is to drop items onto the floor from a height.

    Le tetu had the best suggestion: if you can see a double-vision of the item you're placing (the top image is the image you're dragging, the bottom image is a copy that the game is generating to show you where the item will rest when placed on the floor), then you're safe... if the second image disappears (*) then the item's going to fall through the floor.

    (*) The second image has actually shifted to the floor below where it's showing you where on the lower floor the item will rest - but you probably can't see that when you're standing on the top floor.

    This could be fixed by adding a little stickiness to the floor... say, if you're less than 10 pixels below the top floor level then make the item fall up to the floor above rather than all the way down to the floor below.
    Posted 12 years ago by Snazzlefrazz Subscriber! | Permalink
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