Ended On

Hispikulus's Amazing Ramble

The First Feat of the epic, The Penyahtewan Assembly

And so it was that the many Glitchen of the present time duly honored Hispikulus's Amazing Ramble, exploring the many streets of Ur and collected a boatload of Qurazy Quoins in the process.

The Bonus Goal of this feat was achieved! Participants shared a pool of 656,555 currants, 1,313,110 mood, 393,933 energy, and 262,622 favor with Lem, according to their contribution. All participants will also receive at least one small piece of petrified rock, which may contain ancient artifacts or other treasure. The top 26 contributors will receive large petrified rocks, contributors ranked 27 to 179 will receive medium petrified rocks, and contributors ranked 180 to 1009 will get two small rocks for their efforts.

Bonus Goal Accomplished: 138,704 qurazy quoins collected

Achieved on the 13th of Bruise, Year 25

13,331 qurazy quoins
131,311 qurazy quoins
503,131 qurazy quoins

The Legend

Oh, Hispikulus, that rambunctious scamp! How he loved to run and hide, exploring everywhere. He did not last long in the crowds of the Penyahtewan Assembly, before he was off exploring Ur. Indeed, he rambled to every location across the wide expanses of Ur. Miraculously, he did not grow weary from his wandering. Instead, each step only increased his vigor and each leap sproinged him further. As he charted newly-rearranged lands, both familiar places and those brand new to him seemed to call out "Hispikulus! Hispikulus! Oh, we love you, Hispikulus! We loooooooove you." Later in life, Hispikulus was diagnosed with the syndrome of manifold manias that now bears his name: Hispikuluian Amblyopia. He also suffered from an "over-attachment" to no-no powder. But, still…

Heroes of the Feat

Potian Dragoon

907 qurazy quoins


875 qurazy quoins


794 qurazy quoins

Assistants to the Heroes


765 qurazy quoins

Moon Dance

753 qurazy quoins


744 qurazy quoins

Miki Takahashi

709 qurazy quoins

Indecisive Inchworm

672 qurazy quoins

Other Heroes

Rebel Spotlight

665 qurazy quoins

663 qurazy quoins
The Grinch

638 qurazy quoins

636 qurazy quoins

617 qurazy quoins

Apprentice Heroes

kitten mittens

608 qurazy quoins


591 qurazy quoins


543 qurazy quoins

Polly Gone

543 qurazy quoins

Ivy Hibbly-Pibbly

528 qurazy quoins


527 qurazy quoins


509 qurazy quoins

Squamous Thrumpener

508 qurazy quoins

Demon in a Tux

476 qurazy quoins


474 qurazy quoins


456 qurazy quoins

Moon Flower

452 qurazy quoins

Junior Associate Heroes